Friday 31 May 2013

Part 2 By Eunike Leony Angela 0906491553

                                           MUSIC ( Dialog Poem )

Do you know what soothes my hopeless mind ?
Do you know what is the shady tree where I always shelter from the heat of the sun ?
"Yes I know " my friend says to me.
"I know .. Music is an escape
Like a door to the green garden
Ohh ..Music always soothes me

" Often ....I find out that music becomes my inspiration"
"Really ??
"True ! This is neither a hiperbole nor a litotes.
Not a beautiful utterance revealed by a lying mouth."

"Music has given me a pure inspiration"
Problems and life burden may attack my mind
But music has raised me up
Equiping me with a new energy to stand from the ground"
" This is the meaning of the music ? Tell me how I can understand it !" My friend says.
" Just unite your soul with every rythme of the music ..  That is the answer ".


                                      MOM ( Poem of Confession )

My first lie was ignoring your presence in my life
My sins always cut your heart into pieces
However, you always welcome my misbehaviour with undying patience
Thousands of words even millions of the stars above
can't explain how incredible you are for an insane soul........ like me.

I confess that paying my former sins was my capability
 I admit that my stupidity was often hidden behind my innocent looking face
But now I promise ...
I will keep the best smile and happiness for your future
My maturity will pay for my sins.
And will paint thousands of smiles to your face.

                    The Beauty Of The Nature ( Poem of  Kinesthetic )

I was sitting on the white beach sand gazing the atmosphere
As far as my eyesight ...
I could feel the dancing sea wave tried to reach my soul
The moving colourful birds tried to tell their beauty to me
Then.. I realized the fresh air was pulling my feet to take me into another beauty

There.. I suddenly found that the beauty of waterfall
And the jumping mountains has become another hidden treasure that shaked my eyes
The beauty of the nature has run from the north to the south
Spreading in all places
This was like the atmosphere of the paradise ....

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