Saturday 6 April 2013

COMPILATION OF POEMS by Ajeng Apriliana Safitri


Amazed by the world’s beauty and nature’s harmony
Joyfully babbling in the midst of tone and rhythm , singing high and low enjoy the song
Ended up like a lost cat, solitude in a crowded universe
Naive view, straightforward thoughts, and a simple mind in a world full of hypocracy
Growing like a kitten with its blanket, yet hiding its fangs underneath

A Hope
By Ajeng Apriliana

It is like a lantern in the darkest alley
It is like oases appear on the desert
It is something that everyone should have
                                It feels like air in the outer space
                                And like the wind
                                Invisible, untouchable, yet it trully exists
                                And like an antidote for a dying soul
A hope is priceless

 What I Want to Be
By Ajeng Apriliana

I want to be like an eagle
                Strong, charismatic, and free
I want to be like a tree
                Green, grow, and shady
I want to be like the sun
                Shines brightly and warm
I want to be like a waterfall
                Fresh, wonderful, and graceful

By Ajeng

Is             the         protector             from      the         heavy
rain       of        anger    for          those    who       seek      for          a              safe       place
It    is     the        shelter of       the         harsh     sun         light       on       the  hot         afternoon.   It    is    rigid     and    strong     against     the     cat        and        dogs          rains.
Pro         tect


                                                              A Ball
                                                            By Ajeng

                                                 A ball
                                 Round      and     circle
                       Being played, being thrown, and kicked
                    Never complaints  only keeps silent and firm
                        Its  toughness covers its deep wounds
                       When it is broken, no one would play it
                                It   is alone with its unhealed
                                 bruises and deep wounds

Black and White
By Ajeng

 What is black? What is white?
Those are the chess board of life
You can be either in the white box or the black one
There is no grey.  
Only black and white in the world full of amidst colours
White is the sincerity , purity, and honesty of the oath of loyalty
Black is the gloomy and spooky,
They against each other trying the be the boldest of all
Yet filling each other and emanate their own saturation

The Green Grass
By Ajeng

I want to be like a tree
Green, fresh, and shady
Like a shelter for those who needs pure air

It is the lively soul growing in an unfertile land.
Bringing a bucket of hope for the lost sand.

Yet, I am the wild grass in the park.
Sometimes being neglected, and at some time I am protected.
Never will I get the chance to grow as high as the tree

Let the grass grows wild and show its bold beauty for the ignorant passerby.
Cut the grass and turn them into exquisite shapes and then display them for those craving eyes.

Innocent Victims of A War
By Ajeng

Hidden Rights
by Ajeng

At the Restaurant
By Ajeng

As I’m waiting for my meal,
Clink clank, it sounds
Like  fence fighters in a championship

Now the fence athlete fights versus the full plate of meal with his spoon and fork weapon

The clink clank sound is now the background
The giggle and loud laugh from the girls beside me take the lead

Suddenly, prank prank
 the sound of the empty plates and glasses being tidied up by the waitress

Duk Duk Duk
The chef passionately slices the thick meat

Then  Sluuuurrrppp.....
The sound of the customer drinks the almost empty glass of iced tea

That is how the resto sounds
Spoons, forks, and knives become musical instruments
Their sound unites
Turns to a melody
Becoming an endless song in a crowded resto

Hunger Day
By Ajeng Apriliana
In a very hot afternoon, I walk aimless with an empty sight and empty stomach
There it is, a restaurant appears like oases on the Sahara

As I enter the room, the smell of spicy chicken comes out from the kitchen
It strikes my nose,
 Then it enters my mouth,
And runs down through my throat

Suddenly, it awakens my hungry stomach which has not filled up since the morning

Soon, my hollow stomach starts rumbling
The smell of spicy chicken followed by the smell of fried garlic, red, and green paprica made my tongue begins salivating
In a short time, the thought of spicy and delicious fried chicken with garlic and paprica sauce controls my brain
Command me to quickly order it
As I’m waiting for the meal comes,
I play my finger  try to distract the miserable
Making click clack sounds on the wooden table
“ Here is your order “ said the waitress
It interrups my empty mind
Suddenly, the delicious this is right in front of me
And guess what ....
Just in a fast glance
The full plate turns to empty
The meal now arrives in its destination
My stomach
I feel delightful and wonderful as if I have been freed from the misery of hunger

My Pillow
By Ajeng

It is my bestfriend
It is the best among all pillows
I can ne’er sleep without it
When it’s gone, i’m dying
I cry till I lose the last drop of my tear
I cry and cry when my dad can’t find it
Then I stop sobbing
when my mom creates my pillow wanna be

What I Want For My Birthday
by Ajeng

For my birthday,
I want a sister, so I can play dolls and cook with her
I want a brother, so he can protect me and push my tricycle
I want a barbie, the most beautiful one, along with many cute dresses
I want a huge sweet cake with many candles on the top of it
The last but not the least, I want a bestfriend, the one who is kind and funny.

On the Street
By Ajeng

Mom, who are they ?
Don’t know
They’re laying on the ground. Don’t their backs hurt?
Don’t know
Where do they live?
At their homes
Mom, look the baby is crying
Well, she’s baby afterall, baby cries a lot
But  look! She is freezing
Well, it’s night already
Where’s  her mom and dad?
Don’t know
The baby cannot stop crying.
Could I give her my blanket?
Just sit, fasten your belt, and look forward, deary.

Counting days day by day in a deserted park
O time, can you stay and don’t leave me behind
I am lonely and I am desolate
The only friend is you that runs and passes by

O time, can you stay and don’t leave me behind
Wanting to reach you but you run in a blink of eye
Please stay and accompany me in this barren park

With a dim light from the park lamp I see you there
Come and go as you like, in a bright or dark day
In the deserted park, I am mournful and miserable
Only the park lamp that stands and lights the gloomy plain

Now you see my dull face holding the unbearable pains
In the name of hope, please turning back
And show me your cheerful smile
Embracing my melancholy

Catch A Train
It is almost the time
My train will come
I have no time
To wait to another
It must be this one
That will take me there
Yet it is 5 minutes left

It is almost the time
That I must strive for
Now I run as fast as lightning
In the midst of rain
I can see it is running
I can hear its honk

Now my body is shaking as the ground’s moving
It is almost there and here comes the train song
I run and run and break the crowd
Catching my one way train that may not come back again

A Solitude Tree
By Ajeng Apriliana Safitri

There, I stand alone
Lonely in a wonderful sunset
Its thin sparks through my fragile body
The beam glows between my trunk
I can feel the warmth runs until my thinnest leaf

In a very lovely evening
There, I stand firmly in a muddy field
Waiting for someone or maybe something can reach my fragile trunk
That now is rusty of touch
The touch of the nature’s affection
That I have been craving for a long time.

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