Tuesday 2 April 2013

Poem compilation by Sharmaine Hernandez


Seized by the horizon I dare toe the lines
Hit-or-miss I densely aim for the sky.
Aching for the prime I stir and steer from the common
Racing against myself I take a stab at the paragon.
Maddened by mirages I abandon the air castles and the sham
Atoned for the fatuous I find myself as I am.
Inweaving deeds and dreams I conquer uncharted territories
Nosediving and climbing with the tides I am born with fresh stories.

Easing myself in to a method to life’s madness.

Dewy, foggy
Nagging, humming, racing
Mornings are full of hope.

Impatient, ruthless
Running, ticking, mocking
Time is timeless.

Fresh, alive
Sprouting, humming, promising
Seedlings, hope, dejection, wornouts
Brimming, mourning, leaving
Stinky, gloomy

Warm, brave
Moving, rising, life-giving
Light, freedom, captivity, darkness
Immobilizing, sinking, petrifying
Cold, cowardly


A Day in the Forest  
An angry alligator attacking
A bashful badger bolted
Toward the cheeky chipmunk, chasing
Away the dapper deer that dashed down the dell.
An enormous eagle encircling
A fearful ferret found food in
The gorgeous gazelle that was grazing on green grass.
A haughty hare hunting
An innocent iguana instructed
A jaunty jackal to jostle with
The kind kingfisher and kill it.
A livid lizard led
A meek mule to march
To the nasty nightingale, noticing
The odd otter observing them. 
A phony pheasant persuaded
A quirky quail to question
The rowdy robin, reasoning that
The scholarly snail said so.
A thoughtful turkey taught
An unwilling uakari to ump
The vicious viper’s verbosity.
A weary wolf waiting for
The experienced xantus explained
To the young yak to yield
To the zany zebra’s zapping.


Being with you
Being with you is…
  Like sipping hot soup with an empty stomach on a cold morning
  Like prancing around the bustling city in my favorite dress on a sunny day
  Like indulging in a sinful feast at lunch on a fasting day
  Like stealing sweet naps in the busy office on a rainy afternoon
  Like lingering in the musky arms of the warm evening air
  Like coming home to fresh sheets basking in the gorgeous moonlight after  a long tiring day.

As sly as a fox
it lurks around the corner
As guileless as a kitten
it pounces in search of an answer

As lucid as the sky
it starts and ends discussions
As baffling as the clouds
it pauses and raises questions

As meek as a mouse
it sits in peace amidst the flurry
As articulate as a parrot
it flings thoughts in a hurry

As calming as the sea
it soothes nerves and agitation
As frightening as the dark
it stirs up doubts and confusion


I Spy
I spy
From the desolate fortress of pomposity
In a quiet storm of envy
On the slippery slope of hate
Down the blinding trenches of depression
I am caught in the quicksand of self-deprecation

Patchwork Quilt
Are a patchwork quilt

Lonely scraps of fabric
Haphazardly severed and sewn ties
A multitude of prints and colors
Each screaming for attention

Comforting but not comforted

Yet somehow
Make sense


The Tale of the Soapsuds
As silent tears from the rainbow’s heart
We wander in thin air
Slowly, helplessly
Drifting, thinning, vanishing
We yell out our last cry


Day and Night
Jakarta Post, 15 March 2013


Golden was the summer afternoon when we first met
Golden was your voice when you first whispered my name
Golden was your gaze when our eyes first locked
Golden was your touch when you first held my hand
Golden was your kiss when your lips first grazed mine
Golden was that tear when we parted ways
Golden was our flame, flickering, tarnishing quickly with time

Longing for home
Of lilac whispers and periwinkle dreams
A child wanders upon a tangerine stream
Chasing the blue bunny that hopped away too quickly
Crossing the lush pink grass that was still fresh and dewy.
The purple rays of sun shine across the emerald sky
As carnation doves flock together and freely fly
But the child soon dashes past the scarlet trees
As in the horizon a glittering yellow path appears


At Night
At night
The tender wind whooshes past
As the gentle rain pitters and patters
And the babbling brook gurgles and gargles
Rocking the whole forest to a serene zzzzz…
A lonely owl hoots his wishes and pains
And a curious toad croaks loud from across the plains
Yet all I can hear is a distant ticking and tocking
Life, far away, wasting


Of the Unappeased
Licking the last morsel off my plate
I tell myself, yes, this will be the last one
Yet hunger and reason still bicker in my ear
Reason yields
And I demand for another helping

Craving for the crunch and crackle of food
I welcome every morsel at the front door
I yearn for every spice to soothe my stirring nerves
To calm my senses
But, alas, every flavor fails me!

Preferring proportion over satisfaction
My mother warns against gluttony in all its forms
But I believe in satiation, the cheating satisfaction in satiation
So I let hunger devour me
And drown me in its own misery

Terribly weakened by an unknown flavor that holds me captive
I am blinded by a hunger that cannot speak its own name
The threatening void within me remains and gapes
Burning like an open wound
Hissing like fire


Sunday Morning
Sinking into these snuggly cotton sheets
I rest in a familiar territory
Lingering in the warmth of last night’s slumber
I close my eyes again and drift to a carefree sleep

Basking in the glorious light of the early morning sun
I shift and turn my pillow to its colder side
Enjoying the lazy breeze that blows from my window
I blink and dreamily stare at the ceiling

Stretching like a cat in my striped silk pajamas
I try to recall last night’s sweet dreams
Smiling with the thought of today’s blank slate
I yawn and lay in the comfort of unencumbered peace 

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