Monday 8 April 2013

Poems by Mutia Afifah Riza (1006701043)

Acrostic Poem

A Five-Letter Word

My life as I knew it, a universe filled with magical stones of shining, glaring, burning lights.

Up in the sky, there are white and blue, and dark blue and black, of things, of perfections.
Time and, the little things that we have, taken for granted, temporarily lost in our stubborn, fickle hearts.
Is it all mere nothingness or is it just our thoughtful imagination, interpreted by our tiny, little minds.
A five-letter word, a meaningful life, my life as I’ve learned it—complicated, completed, complimented—peace, is all I need.

Simile Poems


He is like the gentle wind
Feeling it like sensing a melancholic melody
Seeing it like witnessing a midday mirage
Touching it like caressing a soft soul
But he exists

He is my peculiar, ridiculous, hilarious gentleman
He is peculiar like magic
He is ridiculous like magic
He is hilarious like magic
But he is mine

The Oil and the Water

You were as jubilant as a loyal dog to its master
You were as patient as Atlas bears the globe
You were as colorful as days of spring
You were as exciting as days of summer

Now you are as mysterious as days of autumn
Now you are as cold as days of winter
Now you are as silent as the meditating Buddha
Now you are as ignoring as the oil and the water

Metaphor Poems


My family is the seven continents of the Earth.
My father is the black continent of Africa,
Has the darkest skin of all but the most patient.
My mother is the exotic continent of Asia,
Has the largest body size of all but the most caring.
My sister is the unique continent of America,
Thin and tall from an early age but the most diligent.
My brother is the blue continent of Europe,
Looks like the oldest of all but the most endearing.
I am Australia, the loneliest of all.
I am Arctic, the iciest of all.
I am Antarctica, the coldest of all.
Living apart from each other,
The powerful ocean of communication sticks us all as one.


My family is the Greek classical elements.

My father is the lovely Earth of patience.
My mother is the blazing Fire of fierceness.
My sister is the stormy Air of neatness.
My brother is the flowing Water of peacefulness.
I, I am the empty Ether of silence.

Visual Poems

My Heart Is Your Heart

The Candle

Headline Poems

May the Force Be with Us

Thousands of Silence, Seizing the Year

Color Poems

A Place Called Home

There is red and there is white
There is a place that we call home
There is navy blue and there is silvery gray
We view the stars in our own way
There is army green and there is crimson
Perseverance and patience
There is black and there is white
Within black ink upon blank papers, I find my soul inside
There is blue and there is green
There is a place that I call home

Roses Are Not Red, Violets Are Not Blue

Roses are not red
Violets are not blue
It is time for bed
But is it true?

Roses are not red
Violets are not blue
Something is in my head
I cannot stop thinking of you

Do roses want to be red?
Do violets want to be blue?
Maybe it is time to wed
But do you want to?

Roses are not red
Violets are not blue
Go ahead
Kneel down and ask me to

Roses are not red
Violets are not blue
I cannot wait
When it is time to say I do

Sound Poems


Tick tock, tick tock, 
goes the clock in my room.
Buzz buzz, buzz buzz, 
the alarm clock buzzing.
Ding dong, ding dong, 
says the clock tower of Big Ben. 
I wonder how the clock of the nature world sounds like.
I wonder how the clock of this life sounds like.
I wonder how the clock of the Universe sounds like.

The Sound

Oh how I love to listen to sounds,
Of any kind.
They cuddle my ears and caress my brain.
They make my heart at peace.
The sound of the rain;
Tick tick tick tick tick tick.
The sound of the wind;
Choo choo choo…
The sound of sounds in harmony;

Mixed-Imagery Poems

On A White Winter Day

On a white winter day
There was a wide white open field
With wide white scenery
I wailed, I cried, I ran
I ran as fast as I could

On a white winter day
I had never known before
That the sun could shine
In such short span
But I just ran

On a white winter day
I have always loved the cold
But that time it felt as if the cold was slitting my skin
And I wanted to be away from things, I wanted to run
So I ran

On a white winter day
There was silence all around
But there were voices rampaging in my mind
Confusing, shouting, telling me which way to go
In the loudest way possible

On a white winter day
The fatigue was slithering all over my inside
And the pain was mounting up my head
I yelled, I screamed, I ran
I ran as far as I could

On a white winter day
I finally stopped
And I looked back
I wanted to see
If they were chasing after me

Living in the Past

I wish we could turn back time
And correct past memories
Past faulty memories

The sound of your husky laughter
The smell of your sweet witticism
The taste of your strong artistry

I wish we could turn back time
And be okay with living in the past
In one past lovely memory

Children Poems

Why! Why!

Why do we have to study, Mom?

I just want to play with my toys,
And watch cartoons on the screen.

Why do I have to practice spelling bee?
I don’t like to learn English;
I just want to fly my Buzz Lightyear.

Why do I have to go to school, Mom?
All the girls try to do is mock the boys,
And I don’t like the food at the canteen.

Why can’t you just stay home and study with me?
If you stay home, I’ll try to like English,
Though just for a bit, then we play video games for a year!

A Raindrop Fell on My Nose

A raindrop fell on my nose.

It stayed there for a while,
and I did not know what
to do with it. I could
have let it fall on my
lips and gulp it down, but
I retreated. I tried to blow
it with my breath, but it
did not fall down. Instead, it
was hanging on the edge of
my nose. I was really frustrated
and wondered how it could get
stuck there. A minute later, I
decided to ask my mom about
it, so I walked slowly with
my face straight forward as I
was afraid to lose this rare
moment. When I entered the kitchen,
my mom was amid cooking and
the food smelled really strong that
I immediately sneezed and the raindrop

Free Poems

I Am

To say

That we are on our own is sad
That we live alone is mad

I am

But a drip of rain in the rainy season
But a drop of water in the ocean

To do

Things that we were born to do
Things that we were put here for

No one

But an explorer seeking for answers
But a traveler passing through time

Such Music for the Broken-Hearted

I desire to live in

Such music for the broken-hearted,

As I feel so calm drowning myself in

Such music for the broken-hearted.

When I feel left, abandoned, and alone,

I want to leave, abandon, and gather with
Such music for the broken-hearted.

I wish to be free from this burden,

The burden like those in
Such music for the broken-hearted.

But play me

Such music for the broken-hearted.

If you can't then set me free,

And let me live in
Such music for the broken-hearted.


The Sunflower and the Jug

Sunny Sunflower is done pretending.
She is disappointed at the rain today.
The inside of her is dead.
She murmurs, “Can somebody fix me?”

She is disappointed at the rain today.
She cannot begin to close her eyes.
So she murmurs, “Can somebody fix me?”
“Anything is possible,” surprises Friendly Jug.

She cannot begin to close her eyes.
 “Look around, Sunny.”
“Anything is possible,” surprises Friendly Jug.
“Why worry?” he continues.

Sunny Sunflower is done pretending.
The inside of her is dead.
“Why worry?” he continues.
“Just look around.”

Love Letter

I wish I could buy
a little bit of your time.
You want to be loved,
but you don’t love enough.

A little bit of your time,
to make me feel complete.
You don’t love enough,
Stubborn Little Human Being.

Make me feel complete,
the only one person for you,
Stubborn Little Human Being,
love should feel effortless.

You want to be loved,
be the only one person for yourself.
I wish I could buy
love that feels effortless.

Dialogue Poems


My mother told me

"That is the guy 
you should marry,"
she said.

I really cannot
why parents should 
tell their children
whom to marry.

I said,
"Which one?"

And my mom replied,
"One of those two."

"Between those two guys
I cannot choose one,

"Why not?
Just choose."

"Because, Mom,
they are twins."


"I could use a real hug."
"I would give you a real hug right now."
"Why are you so far away?"
"Why am I me? Why are you you? Why are we us? Why is everything everything?"
"That was very poetic."
"I was just being rhetorical."

Confession Poems

Confessions of a Middle Child

I once was alone
inside Mom's womb,
like vanishing tones
in an old piano room.

I once was alone
when I just got born,
for Sister then
was the center of attention.

I once was alone
when I just got born,
for Brother then
came out soon.

I once was alone,
and, I guess, abandoned,
for Mom shouldn't
have thought I was so independent.

I once was alone,
and, I guess, drowned
in Mom's favorite tunes;
for this, gratitude to Mom.

I once was alone,
and I guess it's fine,
for we all will end up all alone
in our own tomb.

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